
My favorite

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Count on me like 1,2,3

 Can I count on you like 4,3,2? Bruno Mars, you depress me. I don't know why but I feel like I don't have what you have and I kind of want it. What I do know is I can count on me like 1,2,3  because like they say, your worst enemy is yourself and you keep friends close but enemies even closer. I don't have too much to write other than I woke up at about 2 p.m today after going to sleep at midnight. So I do believe I was sleepy. Well, me and my liquor store blues are going to sleep cause I have even more cleaning to do tomorrow because I missed a day of cleaning.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

four days later...

   I feel better today, I've slept a collective 48 hours and was sick the last four days. I think I had a infection of some sort, but some orange juice, water and sleep helped. I haven't been mad once these last four days which is a miracle cause I defiantly had things to be mad at but I know if those things happen then God wants them to happen. I just really don't want to move to Louisiana. I think where I live is bad now because I can't do anything fun without getting looked down upon because I need a parent where you can go to have fun but in Louisiana there is absolutely nothing to do. The money would help my family, but I don't want to leave my friends again, this happens every time I make friends. Anyway I hope everything works out for the best but I have to clean because I'm apparently the only living being in my house who can clean, so until later.